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The all-in-one platform to manage your community centre’s sports facilities.

Easy to use sports facility management and online booking software. Saves 10 hours per week on admin and increases revenue by at least 30%.

It should be easy to manage your community centre’s sports facilities.

But there's a problem...

The facilities are lying idle during parts of the day.

No shows and chasing money is a problem.

Reconciling your accounts is a nightmare.

Your community's facilities can't be booked online.

You get a lot of booking inquiries by email and phone.

Generating reports for Senior Management is very time consuming.

Here's how we can help...

Your sports facilities provide a service to the local community. That’s why we've created an easy to use platform to help you save time and maximise their usage.

Increase Your Usage

Provide online booking to maximise the usage of your sports facilities.

Save Time

Online "booking requests" will stop phone calls and emails.

Promote Your Venue

Use the software's marketing tools to promote your facilities. 

Keep Accounts Reconciled

The systems accounting features make reconciling your accounts simple.

No More Chasing Money

Use Pay-As-You-Go to eradicate no-shows and double bookings overnight.

Get Key Insights

Generate key reports on usage and revenue in just a few clicks.

Hear what our customers are saying...

“Sportskey has transformed the way we hire out our community facilities. We’ve seen an increase in bookings and it’s saved us lots of admin time!"

- Michael Harris-Wakelam
Leicester YMCA, England.

Hear from customers just like you.

A few words from communities just like yours.


“My biggest regret: not using this software sooner!”

Caroline Madden
Clarisford Park, Ireland


“The software is like Utopia. It’s a godsend in comparison to how we used to manage and promote our sports venue!”

Greig Kember
Tredegar Sports Ground, Wales

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“It really is a Godsend to us here in the office. I’d be lost without it!”

Tim O'Brien
Carigtwohill Community Centre, Ireland

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Product Features.

A plan to fit your venue's needs, complete with a 30-Day Guarantee.

Online public calendar

Pay-As-You Go

Split Facilities

Unlimited Administrators

Online bookings

Request-Only Bookings

Customer cancellations 

Mobile friendly


Facility Limit


Flexible Hours & Rates


Promo Codes

Slot Watch

Insights Reports

Audit Trail

Custom Fields

Document Uploads

Multi Venue

Facility Groups

Pre Registration






Live Chat



Dedicated CSM

Additional products:

Remote Access Control & Floodlights

Events & Classes Bookings

Remote Access Control and Floodlights

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See how you can save time and increase the revenue from your sports facilities

Are you ready to start saving time and maximising your facilities?

Our software is designed with communities in mind. We understand the challenges you face, which is why we have created a solution to help you save time and maximise the use of your facilities.

Here's how to get started.

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Discovery call & demo

Tell us about your community's facilities

Our expert will diagnose how our community sports facility management software can help

We will customise a demo for you.


Sit back and relax!

Dedicated customer support

30-day money back guarantee

Start maximising the use of your sports facilities!


Try it for yourself

Try our solution for free with our tailor-made free trial.

Join our 30 day Kickoff Program and get fully trained up by our onboarding team

Make sure it's the right fit for your facilities.

Ready to move to an all-in-one community sports facility management solution?

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